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"On the fourteenth night, adrift somewhere on the Adriatic Sea,
at about midnight the sailors sensed that we were approaching land.
Sounding, they measured a depth of one hundred twenty feet,
and shortly after that ninety feet. Afraid that we were about to run
aground, they threw out four anchors and prayed for daylight."

(Acts 24:27-29 The Message)

Secure Your Anchors

Look up! For the night is over.
I have stilled the wind and waves
that have held you in the grip of fear.
Had you held on to anchors of faith,
My love, My strength,
your hope in Me,
you would not have been anxious,
but rather, held secure.
Having learned this,
I give you the power to move on,
encourage others,
and show them who I am.

© Constance Vanides
April 15, 2009


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